About me

Hello, I'm Artur. I am 16 years old and I live in Brazil. I'm a big fan of JRPGs and platform games, and enjoyer of math. After 2 years I have really decided to go back to this website and use it again as a way to publish my ideas :D.

The ulillillia situation

My first encounter with ulillillia was in May 2023, it was an big and lonely year for me, it made me kinda lost on myself, and I needed some type of guidance, and then I found this video on my youtube feed, about this guy, that really seemed happy with what he was doing, and I was despereated to be happy aswell, so for some months on that year I tried to be him, but after 3 months or something like that, it clicked for me, that, I didnt need to copy him, so I deleted everything and tried to live for awhile before trying to be a "public" person again. After 2 years I feel ready to be one again, not much have changed but I'm doing my thing now, and I want to show it for the WWW.